David & Beverly Huddleston


David & Beverly Huddleston


Nova Scotia

Ministry Offerings:


Online Ministry:


To learn more about ministry offerings & availability contact us today. We are here to help!


After retiring, the Lord led us to a beautiful retreat-type home on the ocean shore of Nova Scotia. We share our home and lives with those wanting to transform their lives. We are eager to see people’s potential realized as they experience the benefits of Restoring the Foundations (RTF).

We have been married over fifty years and have spent much time living in other countries while David served in Canada’s Air Force. We have been in a variety of cultures and churches while serving the Lord and being rooted in the Word. Both of us have experienced the Lord in wonderful ways with several different ministries prior to learning about RTF.

We have experienced the truth that a personal change does affect the family. After David came to the Lord, two sons received Jesus as their savior.

Our Connection to Restoring The Foundations

Spiritual leadership was recommending RTF, so we attended a seminar in Halifax. The thoroughness and comprehensiveness of RTF attracted us to become trained in the ministry. Initially we worked with people in the local church. As word of mouth spread about us being a safe place for people to share and to ask for help, inquiries increased. We continued training and reached the Healing House level in 2012 which allowed us to help those outside of the local church. We are now expanding our work by teaching others through seminars.

Ministry Distinctives

David trained as a lawyer and then as a military leader. The Holy Spirit utilizes his gift of discernment to help expose principal roots of problems and to develop strategies to defeat the enemy. Bev’s hospitality and the heart of a teacher sets people at ease and helps them to feel God’s love. The cares of the world can be left behind in our seashore home.

We want to see you meet your potential. So, we welcome you to come to us in our quiet, protected place conducive to ministry. When the Lord directed our steps to this beautiful retreat we had no idea what His purpose was, or even that it was His idea. Now we know it was for healing and restoration of God’s people. We’d love to share it with you. We minister to singles and couples of all ages, as well as children. Connect with us to discuss how we can best proceed to help you. We do look forward to hearing from you.