Janice Watson


Janice Watson


Grand Juction

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Janice Watson

I love the outdoors whether it is in the mountains of Colorado or elsewhere. As a former physical education major, I enjoy activity such as hiking, skiing, paddle boarding, camping or riding bicycles. My husband Jim and I have a blended family (his, mine and ours) who have blessed us with grandchildren. We treasure our time with them.

Our Connection to Restoring The Foundations

Early in my Christian walk I sought for effective deliverance that would be long-lasting and deep. Then in 2002 I found Restoring the Foundations (RTF) integrated approach. The integrated approach is vital! I’ve seen how important it was in my own healing and know it is important for everybody. Therefore I trained and became a Healing House Network member in 2006. My husband has also been training in RTF.

Ministry Distinctives

I grew up in a very dysfunctional family. My father was very abusive. Before I met Jesus as my Savior, I thought God was mean and punishing like my father. I have gone through the process of realizing that I am a daughter of the Most High God that loves me desperately. His love brought me out of darkness and into His arms. Originally I worked with women who have been abused and rejected but God has brought the most interesting and diverse group of people for ministry. Some ministry receivers have dealt with drug and alcohol addictions, homosexuality, broken marriages and broken hearts. I am open to whomever the Lord brings.

Any form of healing is a journey. I have personally been on that path and have witnessed God’s love and power in my life. With the Lord as your guide, He will reveal the lies and then bring healing and restoration. I would be honored to walk beside you as you begin your personal journey to wholeness. Connect with me.