Don & Candi Hoffman


Don & Candi Hoffman



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Don & Candi Hoffman
We’ve been married since 1980 and have 2 adult children who are now married with babies. After decades of involvement with our local church, we discovered that God had more for us. We believe that the Lord continues to heal us through the steps in Restoring the Foundations so we can help walk others through the same Biblical steps to freedom.

Our Connection to Restoring The Foundations

While taking ministry courses through Global Awakening, there was a video of ministers that included Betsy Kylstra explaining the Biblical principles of Restoring the Foundations Ministry. It made such sense to let God unravel the areas keeping people stuck in unhealthy patterns and then addressing any strongholds. Looking at the website we discovered a couple doing RTF Ministry right in our own town. We called Russ and Bonnie Snyder to find they were doing a weekend training seminar for Issue Focused Ministry in the near future so we did the homework and signed up to attend. That weekend was truly life changing for us as we discovered how much God wanted to heal our hurts that we thought we had already dealt with successfully. That led us to experiencing the Thorough Format Ministry ourselves and then into all the training for leading others through the same steps.
Ministry Distinctives

We were both raised in homes that had two parents, but we were still impacted by dysfunctions including addictions, abuse and other traumas throughout the family. Understanding that difficulties can happen in any family, and in any relationship, we are prepared to help bring God’s love into any situation. We enjoy meeting people from all areas of life and we feel we have a front row seat to watch God bring healing and freedom into their lives.